Duran Duran’s Andy Taylor Says Cancer Drug Will Extend Life For Five Years

Duran Duran’s Andy Taylor Says Cancer Drug Will Extend Life For Five Years

Andy Taylor, who is battling stage-4 prostate cancer, has revealed that he is undergoing a new drug treatment that he believes will extend his life for five years. The former Duran Duran guitarist said in an interview with BBC Breakfast that a scientist last year offered him "a nuclear medicine, Lutetium-177, which is targeted so…

Andy Taylor, who is battling stage-4 prostate cancer, has revealed that he is undergoing a new drug treatment that he believes will extend his life for five years.

The former Duran Duran guitarist said in an interview with BBC Breakfast that a scientist last year offered him “a nuclear medicine, Lutetium-177, which is targeted so it only sees cancer cells.”

“It can’t see healthy cells. It kills stage 4 cancer in your bones, and so what it’s effectively done is extend my life for five years,” Taylor said.

The disease prevented the 62-year-old artist from attending his induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with the rock band last year.

Taylor is set to release an 11-track solo album, Man’s a Wolf to Man, on September 8.

(Photo courtesy of artist)

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